EDWARDS EST SIGI-271 Intelligent Break Glass Call Point
SIGI-271 Fire Alarm Call Points are part of Edwards’s SignatureSeries system. These integrated assemblies feature the familiar KAC Installers’ Series Call Point packaged with Signature Series intelligent addressable/analogue interface electronics. In all 271 Series Call Points, the switch is held off by the edge of the glass. When the glass is broken by pressing directly on it, the switch is released and an alarm sent to the Signature loop controller. A protective plastic coating on the glass prevents operator injury and inhibits the release of glass fragments. Each Signature Series Call Point constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in the Call Point’s non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or by using the SIGAPRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information stored in the Call Point’s memory includes :
• Call Point serial number, address, type code.
• Manufacture date, hours of operation, last maintenance date.
• Number of recorded troubles, alarms, time and date of last alarm.
• Up to 24 possible trouble codes that may be used to specifically diagnose faults.
The Signature loop controller learns where each device’s serial number address is installed relative to other Signature devices on the circuit. The loop controller keeps a “map” of the SignatureSeries devices connected to it.
Standard Features
• Intelligent Device with Integral MicroprocessorAll decisions is made at the Call Point to allow lower communication speed. Lower communication speeds are less sensitive to line noise; the twisted or shielded wire is not required.
• Automatic Device MappingEach Call Point transmits wiring information regarding its location with respect to other Signature devices on the circuit.
• Electronic AddressingAddresses are downloaded from a PC or the SIGA-PROSignature Program/Service Tool. There are no switches or dials to set.
• Non-volatile MemoryPermanently stores a serial number, type of device, and job number. Automatically updated with historic information.
• Stand-alone OperationCall Point can input an alarm even if the loop controller’s polling interrogation stops.
• Alarm LEDRed led flashes to show “alarm” state.
• Designed For High Ambient Temperature OperationInstall in ambient temperatures up to 120 °F (49 °C).
• Flush or Surface Mount
• Optional Markings AvailableGlass inserts with multiple languages are available.
• Designed To ISO 9001 StandardManufactured to strict international quality standards.
The operating characteristics of the fire alarm Call Point are determined by its sub-type code or “Personality Code”. NORMALLY OPEN ALARM - LATCHING (Personality Code 1) is assigned by the factory; no user configuration is required. The device is configured for Class B IDC operation. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controller when the switch is closed (i.e. when the glass is broken). The alarm condition is latched at the station.
Signature Series Call Points are compatible only with Signature Loop Controller.
Testing & Maintenance
To test the Call Point simply insert the special test key (provided with every unit); the glass drops and the switch closes. Removing the key restores the Call Point to normal.
The Call Point’s automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defective and causes a troubling message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each Signature Series device and other pertinent messages. Single devices may be deactivated temporarily, from the control panel. Availability of some maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used.
Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Product Warranty
12 months warranty